In Year 4, RE lessons build on previous knowledge of the seasons of the church with other units including creation, prayer, the ancestors of Jesus, our responsibility as Christians and Jesus’ relationship with his father. In addition to this, collective worship takes place to encourage children to reflect and pray in the silence of their hearts.
Grammar lessons focus on consolidating basic punctuation and using a range of punctuation to improve independent writing, using varied connectives to link sentences together and including WOW (weird or wonderful) words to produce mature and imaginative writing.
Maths lessons will consolidate their knowledge of mathematical facts by learning different techniques for rapid recall of number facts, written methods of the four number operations and problem solving skills.
Science lessons focus on planning for fair tests, making predictions, recording results in a variety of ways and explaining the results using scientific vocabulary.
Please find below the termly curriculum overviews for parents: Autumn, Spring and Summer. Also you can find the National Curriculum relevant for this year group. There is also a document showing the skills to be learnt in this year groups foundation subjects. Should you need to know any further information please speak to the class teacher.
Grammar lessons focus on consolidating basic punctuation and using a range of punctuation to improve independent writing, using varied connectives to link sentences together and including WOW (weird or wonderful) words to produce mature and imaginative writing.
Maths lessons will consolidate their knowledge of mathematical facts by learning different techniques for rapid recall of number facts, written methods of the four number operations and problem solving skills.
Science lessons focus on planning for fair tests, making predictions, recording results in a variety of ways and explaining the results using scientific vocabulary.
Please find below the termly curriculum overviews for parents: Autumn, Spring and Summer. Also you can find the National Curriculum relevant for this year group. There is also a document showing the skills to be learnt in this year groups foundation subjects. Should you need to know any further information please speak to the class teacher.
Please have a scroll through our Photo Gallery to give you a flavour of Year 4 in action