
At St Joseph's Catholic Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This means that we have specific procedures and a clearly defined Safeguarding Policy in place.  All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. If you have a safeguarding concern please contact us using the following address:
All other communication with the school should be via

In an emergency you should always call 999 or for urgent matters the Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to access support or raise concerns about a child.

Monday to Thursday: 8:45am to 5:15pm

Friday: 8:45am to 4:15pm

Telephone: 0121 303 1888

Emergency out-of-hours

Telephone: 0121 675 4806

Sutton Early Help Locality Team

Helpline 0121 748 9199

To access our Safeguarding newsletters which offer advice and support on a range of safeguarding issues please visit St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Newsletters ( Alternatively,  go down to the end of this page. 
Mrs L Chambers

Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mental Health First Aider
Mental Health Senior Leader

Mrs M Walsh

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Dep DSL)

Mental Health First Aider

Mr J Lynch

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Dep DSL)

Mental Health Senior Leader

Mr B Harvey

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Dep DSL)

Mrs K McGrath

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Dep DSL)

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please report to one of our safeguarding team as soon as possible giving details of your concern. 
Online Safety