Pupil Premium Statements

Progress of Pupil Premium pupils at St. Joseph’s

The school is allocated Pupil Premium for the following pupils:

  • Looked after pupils; adopted pupils
  • Children whose parents are currently serving in the Armed Forces;
  • Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals;
  • Pupils who have been in receipt of Free School meals at any time during the last 6 years.
How pupil premium money is spent

At St. Joseph’s pupil premium is spent on pupil premium pupils in the following ways:

  • To subsidise the cost of residential and make them affordable;
  • To pay for music lessons if required;
  • To provide the opportunity to attend after school clubs free of charge;
  • To fund or subsidise the cost of school trips;
  • To fund small group tuition where the child needs additional support to make expected progress and/or achieve ARE or above at the end of KS2;
  • To subsidise attendance at out of hours clubs to enable target children to have a stable home life routine.
  • Mentoring support for pupils to compliment any outreach support, home/school liaison, providing supported family networks, increased self-esteem, stability and learning opportunities for pupils.
St. Joseph’s believes using funding for these opportunities will boost self-esteem, allow access to activities that otherwise children may not access and support the raising of attainment.